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Video Collaboration
Quality Video Conferencing on Any Device to Anyone
Now, you can experience business quality connections by integrating video conferencing capabilities in every collaboration interaction. As the workforce becomes more mobile and distributed, leaders recognize the benefits and growing impact of video conferencing as a key part of collaboration. Video is becoming more pervasive as a business tool. Case in point: Now that most desktop and mobile devices have cameras, nearly anyone can join online meetings and do video conferencing.
People are becoming more comfortable with video conferencing. When travel budgets are reduced, video conferencing saves face-to-face meetings from being reduced to faceless phone calls. Since most communication is non-verbal, video conferencing allows for better communication compared to audio-only calls.
Use video conferencing to improve communications, relationships, and productivity by helping people meet face-to-face over distance. This helps you:
Improve decision making by reducing communications delay
Build trust and understanding across cross-functional and diverseteams
Reduce employee travel, real-estate costs, and environmental
impactEncourage knowledge sharing with employees, partners, and customers
Video conferencing is all part of engagement and making it easy and natural for people to collaborate. New technology makes video conferencing experiences available anywhere, and as easy as voice. In many cases, these experiences are better than being there.
Collaborate with Anyone at Any Time
Cisco supports video conferencing to and from the desktop, mobile devices, and conference rooms to allow easier, more transparent interactions and consistent experiences. Affordable solutions provide superior scale and help enable any-to-any video through standards-based technology.
Experience Better Video Conferencing
Deploy technology that is easy to use, deploy, maintain, and integrate. Users get intuitive interactions, less dependence on IT, and a single identity across all devices. IT gets unified call-control and management platforms to simplify administration, deployment, and troubleshooting. An integrated end-to-end video conferencing architecture uses the intelligent network for highly secure, reliable, more comprehensive, and overall better user experiences.
Achieve More with Video Conferencing
Use video conferencing to accomplish what you cannot in person. Improve productivity by meeting with people in multiple countries in one day, or with hundreds of people at once. Attend meetings on your own time, replay important material, and easily navigate on keywords and speakers.
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